URS-3N Leukocytes,Nitrite,pH UTI urine test strip


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Our kit tests for :
Also known as white blood cells, if you get a positive reading this means your urinary system has inflammation indicating a possible UTI. We recommend testing the next day if you get a trace reading or are getting symptoms for a UTI.

Nitrite: A positive result for nitrites is a sign of a UTI but does not necessarily mean you have one.
 PH: The ideal reading for urine is 6.5 – 7.5. Less than 6.0 means your bodily ph system is acidic and prone to infections such as a UTI 
You have a urinary tract infection when you see a positive test result for both leukocytes and nitrite. Your pH will also be 6.0 or less when you have a UTI.


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